
Ever since man kind has existed there have been myths and stories about the stars and constellations. Like the constellation Aquila the eagle that roamed the skies in ancient times. Or the constellation Volans the flying fish who wondered the seven seas. There are a total of 88 constellations and a brilliant story that comes with each one. Some people in modern time have created their own constellations and taught to their children about them and for many generations to come. The history and legends of these stars are unimaginable things that happened in ancient times.
Andromeda the constellation that conquers the northern sky. Named after the princess in the Greek legend Peruses. She was chained to a rock to be eaten by the Cetus. It is also called " Chained Lady" or "the Chained Woman". Antlia the constellation that sits in the southern skies. Its name means pump for it looks like a air pump. Its abbreviation is Ant which is very appropriate since the stars that make it up are very faint and were not created until the eighteenth century.
Apus the shiest constellation in the southern sky, first defined in the 16th century. The name means no feet in Greek since it looks like a bird it was once believed to have no feet. Aquarius the constellation that looks like a cup or bucket. It has a symbol that looks like a representation of water. It's the oldest constellation and is in the Zodiac that is believed to be the sun's path in ancient Greece. Aqulia the Constellation that soars the Northern stars. It is best seen in the summer along the Milky Way. In mythology it was owned by the God Jupiter and performed many tasks for him.
Ara a constellation that is in the southern sky and the name is Latin for "altar". It is one of the original and is now one of the present day 88 constellations. Aries another constellation in Zodiac. Its Name is Latin for ram. In the stars it looks like rams horns. Auriga is a constellation that is in the Northern Sky. Its name is Latin for charioteer and the stars shape as a helmet of a charioteer. Bootes is a constellation that herds in the Northern sky and the name is Greek for herdsman or plowman.
Caelum is a faint constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Greek for a builders chisel. It's the eighth smallest constellation. Camelopardalis a constellation that stands tall in the northern sky. The constellation is the back legs of a giraffe. Cancer one of the 12 constellation in the Zodiac. Its name is Latin for crab. The crab is one of the smallest constellations in the Galaxy. Canes Vanatici is one of the 88 official constellations in modern day. It's a small northern constellation and its name if referred to a hunting dog of Bootes the Sheppard. Capricornus is a legendary creature constellation is a sea-goat which is half goat half shark. Carina is a constellation that sails the southern night sky. Its name is Latin for the ship Argo. Cassiopeia is a constellation that Cassiopeia is easy to find for its distinct W shape.
Centaurus is a bright constellation that slashes into the southern sky. One of the largest in the sky. Centaur a fierce creature of hlaf man half bull. Cepheus the constellation that rules the northern sky. It is named after Cepheus the King of Aethiopia. In Greek mythology and is represented as a king in the sky. It is also one of the 48 original constellations. Cetus the constellation the swims the depths of the northern sky. Its name is in a Greek Myth with a sea-monster called the Cetus in the Greek Myth Persius. When it is slain from him with medusas head. Chamaeleon the tiny lizard crawls through the southern sky. Its named after chameleons a small tropical lizard, that is very slow and only eats bugs. Circinus a constellation that creates drawings in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for compass or a draft tool used for drawing circles. Columba a little bird that nests in the night sky. This constellation is little and very faint in the night sky (even on a clear day). Its name is Latin for dove. Coma Berenices from the the legend if queen Bernice 2 the girl who sacrificed her beautiful long hair. In the night sky is her hair that she sacrificed. Corona Australis is a constellation in the southern sky and its name means southern crown. Corona Borealis is in the nothern sky and its name is call northern crown. Both of these constellations are almost a like. Corvus a small constellation that flies through the night sky. Its name is Latin for raven or crow. Crater a cup that sits high in the night sky. It is said to be the cup of the god Apollo. Crux the constellation that crosses through the night sky. It is commonly referred to as the southern cross. Cygnus the great bird that flies the sky. It's name is Greek for swan, but it is commonly called the northern cross as well. Delphinus flies through the waters of the northern sky. Its name is Latin for Dolphin. Dorado a constellation that sits in the southern skies. It's name is Spanish for sword fish or dolphin fish. Draco a fierce constellation in the far northern sky. Draco is latin for dragon or winged beast. Equuleus is a constellation the roams the night sky and is famously called little horse of the night sky. Eridanus is a constellation that flows through the night sky. It is supposed to be a river. Its name is ancient Greek for the Po river. Fornax a constellation that burns the southern night sky. Its name is Latin for furnace. Gemini the twins of the zodiac. Grus is a constellation that shines in the southern night sky. Its name is Latin for crane. Hercules the hero of the constellations. It's named after Hercules the roman mythical hero who would slay any creature in his path. Horologium the constellation that tells the time of the southern night sky. Its name is Latin for clock and its was named after Horologium Oscillitorium after the pendulum clock. To honor its inventor , Christiaan Huygens. Hydra the longest constellation of them all. Its name means sea snake, or serpent of the sea. Hydrus a small serpent in the southern night sky. Its should never be confused with Hydra a larger constellation that represents a female sea snake. Indus a constellation in the southern sky. Its name could be a word that goes back to native Asia or the Americas. Indus is a constellation that sits in the southern sky. It represents an Indian at that time and any other Native American. Lacerta is one of the 88 modern constellations. Its name is Latin for lizard and it is also called the W due to its shape in the sky. Leo the predator of the night sky. Its name is Latin for Lion. Leo minor is the miniature predator of the night sky. In the sky it sits above Leo the great predator. Lepus the constellation that hides in the night sky. Its name is Latin for Rabbit and it is being chased by the Orions hunting dogs in the night sky. Libra is a constellation that weighs in the night sky. Its name is Latin for weighing scales. Lupus the constellation that hunts through the night sky. Its name is Latin for wolf. Lynx is a constellation in the northern sky. Its brightest stars from a zigzag line in the sky. Lyra is a constellation. Its name is Latin for lyre (a stringed musical instrument). Mensa is a constellation that stands in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for table. Microscopium is a tiny constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for Microscope. Monoceros is a faint constellation on the celestial equator. Its name is Greek for unicorn, a mythical creature with magical powers. Musca a little fly in the night sky. It is called a fly due to its size compared to all of the constellation in the night sky. Norma is a little constellation in the southern hemisphere. Its name is Latin for normal due to the fact that it is a perfect right angle. Octans is a faint constellation in the southern sky. Its name means eighth part of a circle. Ophiuchus is a huge constellation. Its name is Greek for serpent bearer and it looks like a man grasping a snake. Orion the hunter is the most famous constellation of them all. It refers to Orion the hunter in Greek mythology. Pavo a beautiful bird in the night sky. Its name is Latin for peacock. Pegasus a magnificent creature the flies through the night sky. It's named after Pegasus the winged horse in Greek Mythology. Perseus the constellation named after the great hero in Greek Mythology. Legends said that he had slain Medusa and rode the great Pegasus. Phoenix is a constellation in the southern sky. It's named after a mythical bird called the phoenix. Legends say that it can light its self on fire. Pictor is a small constellation in the night sky. Its name is Latin for painter. Pisces is a small constellation in the Zodiac. Its name is Latin plural for fish. Piscis Austrinus is a constellation in the southern celestial. Its name is Latin for southern fish. Its brothers with Pisces the smaller constellation. These constellations can be referred to as twin fish. Puppis is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name means poop deck of a ship. Pyrix is a small and faint constellation in the southern night sky. Its name is Latin for mariner's compass. Recticulum is a constellation in the southern part of the sky. Its name is Latin for small fishing net. Sagitta is the most realistic looking constellation to me, because its an arrow. And if you look at It you can see the tip of it and the feathers behind it. Saggittarius is a constellation that fires piercing arrows through the Zodiac. Its is represented as an archer drawing his bow for its name is Latin for archer. Scorpius is one of the constellation that is in the Milkyway. Its name is Latin for scorpion for in the sky it looks like a scorpion's tail. Sculptor a constellation so faint in the night sky some people can not even see it. It represents a an ancient skilled sculpture that could build anything by himself. Scutm a shield that can protect anything in the night sky. It name is ancient Greek for a mythical shield that nothing could break. Serpens a beast that slithers through the night sky. Its name means snake and Serpens is an abbreviation for serpent. It is split into 2 different sections in the night sky. Serpens Caput is the head of it and Serpens Cauda is the tail of the snake.Sextans a constellation that sees all of the night sky. Its name is Latin for Sextant which is a tool to see into space at that time period. Taurus a constellation that strikes fear into the north winter sky. Its name is Latin for bull. Telocopium a constellation that can see deep into the depths of space. Its name is ancient greek for telescope. Triangulum the brightest constellation of them all. It means triangle in english. It is a triangle that connects the 3 brightest stars in the night sky. Triangulum Australe a small constellation that’s name means southern triangle. Its has the brightest stars in the southern sky. Tucana a small constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for toucan, which is a small bird that lives in South America. Ursa Major a large constellation in the southern half of the sky. Its name is Latin for major bear also known as the big dipper, but that is not a constellation. Ursa Minor is a constellation in the northern sky. Also known as little bear, a name it's called is also little dipper which is NOT a constellation. Vela a constellation that sails the night sky. Its name is Latin for sails of a ship. Vigro is Latin for Virgin. It's the second largest constellation in the night sky. Volans a constellation that flies and swims through the night sky. It name is Latin for flying fish. If you use a telescope you can use it to see a double star in the middle of it. Vulpecula a small constellation in the south. Its name is Latin for Fox the deicing other animals to do what he wanted.

My Myth:
Once there was a great warrior name Achilles. He was the greatest warrior to ever enter ancient Rome. He was a powerful man and his small but brave army could slay any other army that crossed his path. He was not a person that could be trusted by any leader. He had struck fear into the hearts of the whole world and anyone who did not agree with him had to fight him in the Gladiator ring. Eventually all of the armies started to rebel and once all of the other kings began to rise and had created a huge army to defeat Achilles. Eventually they had 12,000 troops to try to concur Troy Achille's headquarters. He had only 5,000 troops to defend. He had a strategy and did not need a big army to win. The Enemies were going to attack the next day after they had made camp on a ridge above the fortress. Achilles knew they were there and had strategy have 1,000 troops head up and attack them head on and then have a fake retreat. Then the army would follow them to the fortress and be lead right into an ambush. But once the army had gotten to a specific place covered in oil about a mile long. The archers would fire flamed arrows at the enemies. Thus after the ambush 5,000 enemies lie dead, burned to death. Then the king became furious for while they were following into the ambush. Back at camp Acilles's army was buring down catapults and their armories. The next day a dawn now only 7,000 troops march to a castle with 5,000. A great battle was about the begin. Archers of Achilles army was ready to fire their arrows. Once the enimies sounded the attack. The archers let loose 3,000 arrows flying through the wind. His archers were so well trained the 2,000 were killed. And in the next loose 1,500 more were killed. They only had 2,500 troops and had not even gotten to the walls yet. They retreated and Achiles had gained his power nce again and now rules all of ancient cities in the world.

The hardest part was probably writing down all of the information, I knew what it looked like in my head, but it was hard to put on paper.

• " Constellation List ." UW Astronomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2011. .
• "List of constellations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2011. Origins of our solar system
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